Types of Agricultural Land Measurement Units

Types of Agricultural Land Measurement Units

Proper land measurement is one of the most crucial aspects of agriculture, as efficient utilisation of agricultural land, resource allocation, and proper land planning require accurate agricultural land measurement. The units that are used for this purpose may vary significantly from one place to another. That is why it is important to have a basic understanding of all land measurement units that are commonly used in India, so one may understand the actual value of land and so they can crosscheck the details given in the title documents with the actual land.

Apart from agricultural land, proper land measurements are necessary for all property and plots for sale in Chennai. Further, the standardisation of agricultural land measurement units helps ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in real estate transactions. It also helps avoid confusion and disputes down the road.

Here is a list of land measurement units that are commonly used in India:

1. Bigha

Bigha is one of the land area measurement units that are commonly used in India, especially in rural areas. Generally, bigha is used for measuring agricultural land, but it is important to keep in mind that the size that one bigha measures varies from state to state. For example, in Madhya Pradesh, converting one bigha to acre gives approximately 0.275 acres (in square feet, 1 bigha = 12000 sq. feet), while in Uttar Pradesh, the one bigha to acre conversion equals approximately 0.62 acres of land (in square feet, 1 bigha = 27000 sq. feet). It is also widely accepted that there are 3.95 bigha in 1 hectare, but if you were to measure in Gaj, one bigha will again vary from state to state.

2. Gaj

Gaj is one of the land area measurement units that are commonly used in the northern parts of India. 1 Gaj is equivalent to 1 square yard or 9 square feet in terms of land area. This unit is also used by local governments in India to fix a city’s circle rates for real estate. Gaj is a smaller measurement unit than bigha, so it is also used for measuring smaller pieces of agricultural land or residential plots. Due to the variations of bigha across states, calculations of 1 Gaj in bigha will also vary from state to state.

3. Acre

Acre is one of the most common land area measurement units that are used not only in India but across the world. It is generally said that there are 1.6 bigha in 1 acre. The acre is used globally to measure agricultural land and it is also easy to convert acre to square feet, katha, Gaj, etc. The acre to square feet ratio stands at 1:43560, where 1 acre is equal to 43560 square feet while converting 1 acre to katha gets you approximately 32 katha.

4. Hectare

A hectare is also an internationally recognised land measurement unit that is also widely used in India. Hectare is mostly used for measurements of large agricultural operations, apart from which, it also finds use in government records and scientific research. This is one of the standardised land area measurement units that can be used on a global scale. So, even if you are looking at property in Mangadu when it is measured in hectares, it can be compared globally with other properties as well.

5. Square Metres

The square metre is another globally recognised land measurement unit that has gained a lot of popularity in India. Although this unit is primarily used in urban areas across the country, it can also be used to measure agricultural land. One square metre is equivalent to 10.764 square feet. Since it helps facilitate precise land measurements, the square metre is considered to be more suitable for measuring small land areas.

6. Guntha

Guntha is a land measurement unit that is widely used in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Gujarat. Although one Guntha is equivalent to approximately 1,089 square feet or 121 square yards, it may sometimes vary depending on the region where the property is located. This land measurement unit is primarily used to perform land measurements of smaller agricultural land or residential plots.

7. Katha

If you convert 1 acre to katha, you get 32 katha. This land area measurement unit is predominantly used in several Indian states, including Bihar, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, etc. However, the size of one katha actually varies from one state to another. In some regions, one katha is equal to 720 square feet, while in other areas, it is equivalent to approximately 1,366 square feet. Although this unit can be used to measure the area of any type of land, it is more commonly used for residential areas or small pieces of agricultural land.

8. Cent

The cent is a land measurement unit that is widely used in the southern part of the country. To be more specific, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are two states where land area is mostly calculated in cents. Here, one cent can be converted to 435.6 square feet, 48.4 square yards, or to 0.01 acre. Just like katha, cent is also used for measuring land area for residential property or small agricultural plots.

9. Dhur

This is a land measurement unit that is commonly used in Indian states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Tripura, and West Bengal. However, the value of one Dhur also varies from one state to another. For example, in Bihar, one Dhur equals 68 square feet, whereas it is equal to approximately 3.6 square feet in Tripura. So, while performing land measurement calculations, it is important to check the state in which the property is and confirm the calculation of Dhur that is followed in that state. In addition to this, Dhur is also used in Nepal, where it denotes a size completely different from the size denoted across Indian states.

10. Biswa

The Biswa is a land measurement unit that is used in states like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, and Haryana. However, like other units, the size of one Biswa also varies from one state to another. For example, at some places, it is equal to 45 square yards, while at others, it is equal to 151.25 square yards.

Having a basic understanding of the local as well as global land area measurement units that are used for agricultural land in India is essential for farmers, landowners, and other individuals involved in real estate. A clear understanding of these units can help accurately measure land area for any kind of transaction.


Typically, 1 Bigha in acre depends on the region in India, as the Bigha measurement is not standardized across the country. 1 acre is equivalent to approximately 2.5 to 3 Bighas. However, this conversion can differ, with some regions defining a Bigha as smaller or larger. For precise conversion, it's essential to check the local definition of a Bigha in the specific area where the land is located. Knowing the regional conversion factor is crucial for accurate land measurement and property transactions involving Bigha and acre units. On average, 1 Bigha in acre is about 0.25 to 0.4 acres.
To measure land accurately using different units, first, determine the standard unit of measurement for the region, such as acres, hectares, or square feet. Use a reliable measuring tool, such as a tape measure or laser distance meter, to measure the land's dimensions. Convert these measurements into the desired unit using conversion factors. For example, if measuring in feet but need results in acres, use the formula: area (in acres) = area (in square feet) ÷ 43,560. Understanding land measurement units and accurate conversion methods is essential for precise land assessment and property transactions.
Land area measurement units refer to the standardized methods used to quantify the size of a land parcel. Common units include acres, hectares, square feet, square meters, and square yards. Each unit is used based on the context and location. For instance, acres and hectares are often used for larger plots of land, while square feet and square meters are used for smaller properties. In India, traditional units like Bigha and Katha are also used, though they vary regionally. In Tamil Nadu, land measurement units are specific and distinct. Here’s land measurement table representing approximate conversions between acres and square feet for various units.
Unit Approximate Size (in acres) Approximate Size (in square feet)
1 Acre 1 acre 43,560 sq ft
1 Bigha 0.2 - 0.25 acres 8,712 - 10,890 sq ft
1 Cent 0.01 acres 435.6 sq ft
In India, standard units of measuring land include acres, hectares, square feet, and square meters. Additionally, traditional units such as Bigha, Katha, and Guntha are widely used, though their definitions can vary by region. For instance, in some states, 1 Bigha might be equivalent to approximately 2,500 to 3,000 square feet, while in others, it may be larger or smaller. Hectares and acres are more commonly used in official documents and larger land transactions. These agricultural land measurement units are crucial for determining land use, calculating crop yields, and managing farm operations efficiently.
Globally accepted land measurement units include acres, hectares, square meters, and square feet. Acres and hectares are commonly used for larger land areas, with 1 hectare equal to 10,000 square meters and 1 acre equal to 43,560 square feet. Square meters and square feet are often used for smaller plots or detailed measurements. These units provide a standardized method for measuring land, ensuring consistency in international property transactions and real estate assessments. Understanding these globally accepted land measurement units is essential for accurate land valuation and comparison across different countries and regions.